· Democrats will “forgive” a trillion dollars in student debt to people who make up to $250,000. We, the People, who’ve taken no loans, are saddled with other people’s debt. It is government’s role to “remove the financial burden of the indebted”- Joe Biden informed us.
We, the Nation, are to go into unsustainable debt to pay for the college education of other’s offspring we didn’t sire. Those who never attended college are to pay the debt of those who earn more and have. While we’re at it, how about a new speedboat, a Harley, or a Rolex?
Expropriating people’s property (money) by fiat, to buy other people’s votes, is what this is about. Waging war on you, We, the People!
Allen West: “Show me where the president, according to the Constitution, has the enumerated power to relieve individual contractual debt and use taxpayer funds as the means of payoff. This goes along the lines of the government issuing edicts from a federal agency that individual rental contractual obligations did not have to be honored…”
· They waged war on Amish farmers who produce organic food, for the farmer’s not “playing along” to get along with MONSANTO, DOW CHEMICAL, BAYER, DUPONT, and BASF - firms that produce GMO, chemicals, non-organic fertilizers. Biden & Co. will criminalize folk who’d rather eat food, and not petroleum-based chemicals.
These very corporations gave large donations to Democrats. Earlier, the corporatists’ FBI seized the Amish’s guns! Waging war on G-d-fearing We, the Amish-American People!
· After having propagandized Americans about fake Global Warming - as fake as fake gets - We, the People are mandated to transfer America’s wealth to producers of solar panels and windmills who don’t use these themselves: China that paid millions in bribes to the Biden Crime Family.
Each year China builds more dirty coal-fired plants than the US has in total. Democrat billionaire corporatist-oligarchs in cahoots with the Chinese want all of it, while waging war on We, the People.
· Meanwhile, China gets full control of our electric grid that refuels electric cars and batteries, powered by solar panels and windmills China sells to America. These are the products Biden, Democrats, California’s and other state’s ignorant governors, mandate for their citizens, We, the People.
Meanwhile the rolling blackouts and brownouts these Empty Suits enabled with their progressive politics, along with high inflation making power impossible to buy for many, resulted in no electric service with which one can recharge batteries for their electric cars We, the People, can no longer afford.
What the EnviroNazis have already supplied however, are oil and gas shortages, rolling brown-and-blackouts, water being shut off by inactive power grids unable to supply electricity, false promises, and war, waged in Europe - and on We, the People.
· Oil Americans can no longer afford, needed for America’s national security to fuel its military, and for civilian transport of food, supplies, and medicine that drives America’s prosperity, was shipped to China. Why? To enrich the Biden Crime Family. Depriving Americans of oil and gas, so that China can sell us far more polluting “green” products we never needed.
Having destroyed American energy exploration and extraction that made America independent, prosperous - and yes, great - Obama-Biden & Co. turned to alternative energy to enrich foreigners. This constitutes waging economic war on We, the People.
· Doubling the IRS’ armed thugs to punish and wage war against We, the People, is cynical, exploitative, abusive, opportunistic and parasitic, corrupt, deranged, controlling, and craven. Joe Biden and his 2024 veep running mates, the DOJ/FBI/IRS, have been totally corrupted by total power.
New Poll: Most Americans Believe the FBI is Now ‘Biden’s Gestapo’ - FRONTPAGE
· They’ve gone back to Business as Usual with which total power has endowed them. Driven by their puppet masters, the SWAMP creatures rose from the very SWAMP Trump intended to drain. Obama’s swamp scum rose at Mar-a-Lago. They arrived from their slimy lagoon, dripping with ooze, to take revenge against American prosperity, pride, and success.
Mar-a-Lago Search Shows the Swamp's Trump Obsession - Wall Street Journal
Without fear of reprisals, remorse, accountability and legal cause, they wage persistent war on We, The People.
· The 1/6th Commission Stalinist Show Trial in utter ruins after two failed impeachments, after the epically-failed Mueller Probe enabled by Democrats to frame the president and his associates (with no power to exonerate anyone - it was not a court) was meant to destroy We, the People.
The January 6th commission’s clowns, a preening circus of mutual back-patters, are filled with hubris and rage from which they covered up their own treason and self-dealing criminality. A clown show in which We, the People, refused to become their marionettes. This malignant freak parade has been waging war on “election deniers” - except their own.
· Inflation created by non-stop spending, i.e., “forgiving” student debt We, the People did not incur, is waging war. Calling the massive spending bill the Inflation Reduction Act, is a cynical insult which will have achieved the exact opposite: more inflation and more poverty for entire classes of Americans. Waging war on We, The People.
As always, the progressive’s solution is money.
Not theirs.
Waging war, on We, the People.
· Opening our borders to millions of undocumented Democrats, shipping them across the nation with free debit cards, filled-in voter registration cards, and Obamaphones for which We, the People are to pay, is war. Illegals bringing in tons of Fentanyl made in China that kill tens of thousands of Americans every year, and Covid, made in China that killed a million of us, as well as destroyed our economy, constitutes war on We, the People.
Tying the hands of border guards to not enforce immigration laws, allowing gangs and terrorists to enter, while insisting that the border is closed, is waging war on We, the People.
· Having neglectfully equipped Islamist terrorists with $85 billion worth of America’s latest weaponry, tanks, planes, artillery, night vision, small arms and ammunition they will use against us, material with which Joe Biden deprived Ukraine of, is waging war on We, the People.
· Domestic terrorist District Attorneys financed by domestic terrorist financiers who got them elected, DA’s installed to refuse to uphold, block and sabotage the enforcement of the law, DAs who release violent criminals bail-free in the face of rocketing crime, is waging war on We, the People.
· Charging America’s parents with “domestic terrorism” for objecting to their children’s indoctrination with racist Critical Race Theory, aka Marxist propaganda (and revisionist history), for refusing the grooming of their children with transgender, pedophile and sexually-fluid ideology, is waging war, on We, the People.
· In a coordinated war on the free speech rights of people they don’t like, persecuting them while shredding the constitution they never liked, due process, and freedoms of Americans to speak, publish, assemble, and petition government, is waging war on We, the People.
· Waging war on the American civil and constitutional right to bear arms enshrined in the Second Amendment, the very first universally-recognized human right to access the means of self defense, the right to your own life, is waging war, on We, the People.
· The complicit Democrat-owned fake news media, New York Times, Washington Post, New Yorker, Axios, Huffington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC, PBS, NPR and the rest, have been covering up and campaigning for the corrupt miscreants who have been waging the wars listed here, on you - We, the People.
Lindsey Graham warns of 'riots in the streets' if Trump is prosecuted
We, The People, have opposed, but have never waged war on those who waged war on We, the People.
We have not persecuted, prosecuted, SWAT-ted in the middle of the night, incarcerated, threatened, coerced, indicted on phony charges, framed, or called them “domestic terrorists.” We have not screwed, falsely libeled, or abused the seditious un-American thugs who’ve been unconstitutionally waging persistent war on We, the People - and America’s legitimate president at Mar-a-Lago.
He, and We, The People, have never sold out our nation to domestic profiteers and foreign enemies.
Only poisoned, immoral, willfully-blinded ideologues, would not recognize the malicious powers that divided the country by promising to unite it. Divided it by having rigged the election of 2020 (galling, even using Federal funds).
Divided us by having declared war, on We, the People.
Recently they called We, the People, “a basket of deplorables.”
Today they call MAGA fans and you reading this, “semi-Fascists,” “a danger to America.” Meanwhile they charge you with “destroying democracy” because you dissent. This divisiveness came right after they had shut down information exposing their massive criminality. This divisiveness, maliciously, in bad faith, illegally invaded the home of a former president to frame him by planting evidence, and then, to prevent him at any cost from running against the current illegitimate one who, incidentally, ordered the raid against his main rival.
Operation Mar-a-Lago was primarily launched to seize the Clinton-FBI-initiated Operation Hurricane/Russiagate and Hunter-Joe Biden documents Trump kept at Mar-a-Lago. Atomic secrets? Balderdash! Obama/Biden/AG Garland launched the unprecedented raid against the Democrat’s chief rival to seize the evidence that would have put the raiders behind bars – and to guarantee you deplorables and your president go to prison instead. Atomic secrets are secreted out of the White House by every president having seen it.
The stash at Mar-a-Lago would have unpacked the Obama-Clinton-Biden-Kerry-FBI-Comey-Wray collusion-conspiracy, bribes, and epic self-enrichment as they sold out your nation for hard cash, and by having enacted a coup.
In other words, treason.
One nation, divisible: Two in Five Americans say a second civil war is set to happen - NEW YORK POST
A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. - Mahatma Gandhi
Andrew G. Benjamin is in finance, real estate and equities, a former advisor to New York City mayor’s office (Subcommittee on Taxation, Finance and the Budget). Benjamin wrote extensively about politics, transnational and domestic, intelligence and military affairs, security and strategy, economic issues, Mideast, terrorism, technology and high end audio.