Here is an example of a the steaming piles of fresh (actually same old) bullshit served up by leftist schills of the corrupt DC establishment and globalist elites. Tucker does not support Putin, he favors sanity and not allowing the elites to continue to destroy our OUR Nation (the USA, dipstick).

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Tucker is absolutely right! The United States has no business in supplying Ukraine with weapons and giving them billions of dollars when we should be using that money here at home. if you think Zelenskyy is some spotless hero you are an idiot. He is as corrupt as they come.

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You misrepresent the perspective on not getting involved in this war to be pro-Putin. 1) the US has warned Europe that’s its disarmament invites such behavior from Russia. They laughed in our faces. 2) you mention several Geo-strategic locations for Europe. If the US gets involved, you haven’t said what a guy from Kansas gets for victory in this war. 3) our politicians have lied us into war numerous times. Why is this war different?

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