Readers are required to read this translation while chuckling, chortling and cackling, with a few snorts and giggles thrown in for good measure...
Mamala began her speech with tears in her eyes, visibly upset at the sobs and threats of self-harm coming from her audience:
“Just like Joe Biden united the garbage and deplorables during the last four years, I would have united the garbage who were not smart enough to vote for me. I would have united the misguided, weak, dependent, garbage women who attended Donald Trump’s rallies. I am referring to, I mean, I refer to, I refer to, I refer to the Nazis, fascists, and the felon Orange Man who is an existential threat to democracy, er, I mean, to Democrats.”
She/her/them/those inserts here giggles, snorts, followed by a few cackles…
“Eighty percent of Americans insist we are on the wrong path.”
What do they know? - sneered Mamala.
We need more, not less wars.
More, not less inflation.
More, not less division.
More, not less taxes, and the 87,000 IRS agents with which to strangle the nation that Joe promised us.
We need more swat teams to take down the garbage who resisted us.
More, not less irrational hate of common sense.
More emoting of outrage and hate, not less.
More, not less understanding for why Democrat politicians need to line their pockets.
We needed more because what we had for the last four years was not enough...
Most importantly, and I don’t understand why the garbage doesn’t get it. We need to bankrupt our nation because, seriously, it's filled with garbage from coast-to-coast, especially in the red states… Mamala giggled, snorted, and cackled….
That is why we need to take out the trash - Mamala concluded with a snort.
“So Fellow Americans, the garbage didn’t vote for me and my grating, annoying, obnoxious nasal voice that sounds as if your dentist were drilling your skulls with a dull bit…
“I tried my best to spread the wisdom seen on THE VIEW, but the Nazi won. Trust me, Kamala giggled, it'll never happen again when I run against the garbage American fascists and weak women in 2052 who don’t watch THE VIEW or the Academy Awards. They will never again steal democracy from deserving Democrats who are almost as incompetent as I am, that only our abortion doctors, 1619 historians, CRT and DEI experts, tampon dispensers in boy's rooms, THE VIEW, and transvestites teaching kindergarteners about the finer details of their deviance, could have saved.
Here Mamala giggled, snorted and cackled doubling down on her last cackle…
In her concession speech Mamala swore to fight to the end and unite the nation by dividing them, one from the other, and most importantly, from the garbage.
"The outcome of this election is not what we wanted, not what we fought for, not what we voted for." - said she.
She, her, them, those, it, failed to add (only garbage people, Nazis, racists, and deplorables fought for what they wanted, and what they voted for…)
"Look, I am so proud of the race we ran and the map above proves it. And the way we ran it" said Mamala by calling her opponents who just fired her “Nazis, deplorables, fascists, an existential danger to democracy and freedom, anti-American, traitors,” and most appropriately of all, "garbage."
"...while I concede this election, said Mamala, I do not concede the fight that fueled this campaign—money. Yours, not mine.
“I will continue the fight, the fight for freedom, for opportunity, for fairness, and the dignity of all people (except for the garbage who refused to take a knee and kiss my ring the way I kneeled in my former life and kissed…never mind.)
“I will fight for the ideals at the heart of our nation (meaning, our right to divide it, make everyone miserable and hate each other, and to destroy our economy, make everything unaffordable, and bankrupt us); and the ideals that reflect America at our best: a nation of freaks and trannies, MS13 gangs, a nation of pierced bodied lesbians wearing purple and blue hair and banging drums while calling for a Field of Dead Jews FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA.
"That is a fight I will never give up," here Mamala doubled down on the theme.
“I remind you of January 6th and the insurrection that the Nazi encouraged. That is why as I depart, my boss Sheik Obama will establish a SHADOW GOVERNMENT which will do its best to sabotage the constitutionally-elected government you voted for, because the constitution only matters to people for whom the constitution matters.
“Our Shadow Government in which Barack Hussein Obama is already president is not an insurrection. I mean, just because we do not recognize the illegitimate occupant of the future White House who intends to do to Barack Obama's legacy what Barack and Joe did to his.
“Listen to me, warned Mamala, wagging her fingers and adding a few chuckles, snorts, giggles and cackles into the mix, “the insurrection was a march by garbage who intended to meander through The People’s House. Garbage are not The People and don’t belong in The People’s House. We Democrats are The People who can meander inside any place we choose to meander. And where we choose to meander is none of America’s business…said she, her, it, them, those.
“This means including your homes in the dawn hours with our SWAT Teams followed by CNN cameras.
“Our Shadow Government whom no one elected and whom I represent, will take back the nation from the elected, because, as it has during the last 16 years, unelected bureaucrats will continue to make up collusion and conspiracy hoaxes against our opponents and the garbage people who think they can run our country. Even if we have no evidence. After all, we tell the DOJ what to do, not the other way ‘round!…
“Anyway, who needed elections four years ago, you?
“I repeat, there is no Deep State, only a state that is deeply mismanaged by our president Biden! Er, I meant distressingly, incompetently fugged up, a Deep State that put the world on fire. I meant to say, the garbage made us start two wars because we didn’t know what we were doing. I mean, said Mamala, shrugging her shoulders in sheer exespiration and looking more bewildered than ever, “ let’s just fuggedabout it!“….followed by snorts, giggles, cackles….and a chuckle…
"On the campaign trail I would often say, when we fight, we win. But here's the thing, here's the thing, here's the thing, and just in case I repeated myself or failed to repeat myself, here’s the thing: sometimes the fight takes a while. ….chuckles….That doesn't mean we won't win. That doesn't mean we won't win. The important thing is don't ever give up. Don't ever give up…and…
Don’t ever plagiarize Winston Churchill!
“Don't ever stop repeating yourself or our lies. Don’t ever stop trying to make the world a better place" where the garbage that doesn’t agree with us, half of America, has been deplatformed from Twitter, You Tube, Facebook, Instagram, and everywhere else, their voices shut down, their businesses attacked by the taxing authorities, where opposition politicians are raided by SWAT Teams at dawn and dragged out bleary-eyed in handcuffs and in their pajamas for CNN’s cameras, in an America where Jews will feel like they're living in Hitlerite Germany 1938 just before exiting the chimneys.
“These are the last four years of chaos you just don't want to miss,” Mamala proposed, followed by chuckles, giggles, and then, a hearty snort….
"There's an adage a historian once called a law of history, true of every society across the ages. The adage is, only when it is DARK enough can you see the stars," Mamala said.
“We tried to tell you about the DARK for years, and because you failed to listen, we tried to make it DARK enough for you to see our stars shining brightly: Oprah, Beyonce, Kate Perry, Michelle Obama, and even P. Diddy, who said about George Washington: “Hey Diddy, who’s your Daddy?”
“We even paid our stars $20 million so you can see them prance about in the DARK, half naked, lit up in glitter, and hear their words of political wisdom. Beyonce and Oprah are great scholars, historians, and military strategists, after all, are they not? They’ll tell you about Nazis and Fascists - and the Jews who invaded Gaza for no reason at all. They will tell you about the garbage who want to rule us from the DARK side.
"I know many people feel like we are entering a DARK time,” said Mamala, looking into the cameras very seriously, and, pausing for ten minutes before continuing her sentence: “But for the benefit of us all, I hope that is not the case."
It is here that Mamala ended her speech, as her fans broke down sobbing, tears running down their faces, as they retreated into the DARKness from which no sane man or woman has ever emerged.
Reportedly the last we saw of Mamala’s audience was when they exited the Howard University campus. They are venturing into a deeper psychosis from which they will dream of the Tranny Fairy fluttering into their bedrooms in a pink-powdered wig, wearing a green iridescent bra and a white tutu. She, it, her, them, those, or progressive Fairy Tranny, will rescue our Kamala’s fans from the Big Orange Man Monster who will cynically end the chaos.
DISCLOSURE: The “garbage” who wrote this translation from Kamala’s dialect , better known as “Obamabonics,” translated to plain English, voted for THE FELON.
The root cause of Kamala's root cause is...the root cause
If stupidity were painful, the Veep would be in unbearable agony!
© Andrew G. Benjamin is in finance, real estate and equities, a former advisor to New York City mayor‘s office (Subcommittee on Taxation, Finance and the Budget). Benjamin wrote extensively about politics, transnational and domestic, intelligence and military affairs, security and strategy, economic issues, Mideast, terrorism, technology and high end audio.