You will find an American president's role in fomenting the destruction of Western Civilization by his backing this demented organization that has covered the planet like the arms of an octopus!
The fascinating French documentary (subtitled and in English) brings us up to snuff about how all the problems, including Iran, started in Egypt. You need to see all of it. It answers how and why this organization led to 9-11, 10-7, to HAMAS, Hezbollah, Gaza, the mullahs in Tehran, the ignoramuses teaching on campus and their imbecile western students seen demonstrating for Jihad in the streets. The video will connect the dots for the persistent attacks on modernity and western civilization by this poisonous, Nazi, fascist, humanity-and-progress-hating, exclusionary, supremacist ideology that has been masquerading as a legitimate religion.
Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America
“The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Process" with all the word means. The Ikhwan understand that their work in America is…grand Jihad for eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions…..It is a Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad…wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny…“ View the full document
Watch the astonishing video and afterward move on to the next for the history and context:
How Obama Sided with the Muslim Brotherhood - National Review
How Obama Aided And Abetted Hamas Attacks - Investor's Business Daily
Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration
Leaked emails: Obama administration's support to Muslim Brotherhood - Egypt Today
“CAIRO – 12 October 2020: On Thursday, US President Donald Trump expressed displeasure that his Secretary of State had not yet released some emails related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. A day later, Pompeo vowed to release them.
Arab and Gulf media have later focused on these emails…revealing a relation between the US, during the term of former President Barack Obama, and Qatari Al Jazeera as well as the Muslim Brotherhood group.
The emails bring back to mind the role Clinton played in supporting the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group to reach power and the exposure of the group’s plan at that time to control the media platforms to broadcast its intellectual project…’
Al-Jazeera, a Muslim Brotherhood-QATARI Propaganda Rag Controlled by the al-Thani Emirati. - The Investigative Project on Terrorism
“Al Jazeera's support for terrorism goes far beyond on-air cheerleading. Many of its employees have actively supported al-Qaida, Hamas and other terrorist groups. Concerns over the network's consistent pro-terrorist positions prompted several Gulf States to demand that Qatar shut it down in June.
Sheikh Said Bin Ahmed Al-Thani, director of Qatar's government information office, called such demands "a condescending view [that] demonstrates contempt for the intelligence and judgment of the people of the Middle East, who overwhelmingly choose to get their news from Al Jazeera rather than from their state-run broadcasters," Al-Thani wrote in Newsweek.
But a week earlier, United Arab Emirates Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash detailed Al Jazeera's connections to terrorists and terror incitement in a letter to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Al Jazeera violates a 2005 U.N. Security Council resolution that called on member states to counter "incitement of terrorist acts motivated by extremism," Gargash charged…
Al Jazeera is not just another news organization like CNN, Fox News or the BBC, Qatari intelligence whistle-blower Ali al-Dahnim told Egypt's Al-Bawaba newspaper in April. Qatar's state security bureau both finances and operates Al Jazeera…”
Al-Jazeera and UNWRA personel among terrorists who attacked Israel
Huma Abedin, Obama SecState Hillary Clinton’s Right Hand Woman: Parents High-level MB Operatives
Document: Hillary Praised, Supported Muslim Brotherhood
Hillary with Egypt’s MB-official and MB-promoting president Mohamed Morsi Eissa Al-Ayyat.
“President Obama’s “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2012 called the election of Egypt’s Islamist Muslim Brotherhood leader a "milestone" for Egyptian democracy and offered covert police and security help, according to declassified State Department documents.”
Soros Network contributes hundreds of millions to Obama, Hillary and Biden Campaigns
Soros Network Primary Force in the Islamic Invasion of Europe
With a grant of $18 billion to Open Society Foundation, George and son Alex Soros’ NGOs plan to advance Muslim Jihadist’s interests ahead of the welfare of the various European nations that created Western Civilization. In the United States the Obama-Biden-Harris Administration proved that the interests of Hispanic economic migrants are ahead of the welfare of America’s citizens.
“The Czech president has claimed the migration crisis in Europe is the result of a plan by the Muslim Brotherhood to “gain control of Europe”.
Milos Zeman explained the Brotherhood lacked the resources to launch a military invasion of the continent so was sending waves of migrants as an alternative force.
“It cannot declare war on Europe, it does not have enough forces for it, but it can prepare a growing migrant wave and gradually gain control of Europe as it has been happening in some West European cities that police are afraid to enter at night,” Mr Zeman told Czech Radio.
The president cited the Moroccan foreign minister and a crown prince from the United Arab Emirates as his sources of information behind his claim.”
Huma Abedin worked at Muslim Journal that opposed Women’s Rights
George Soros and son Alex Soros contribute millions to anti-Israel causes
GULF NEWS: West should designate Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist organisation
“The West needs to take bold action and move quickly before it is too late!”
PHOTO: Adolf Hitler entertains PLO leader Yasser Arafat’s uncle, the Mufti of Jerusalem, who is then feted with other Nazi leaders as they plan the destruction of the Jews of Europe and in Israel. Thinking ahead, the Muslim Brotherhood realized that one Holocaust will not be enough. The Mufti allegedly told Hitler the same words the millions marching tell the world today: We need a Field of Dead Jews FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA.
The Bibas children are the latest victims of the child killers of Islam.
“Hamas and PLO terrorists had mockingly paraded their coffins to the cheers and jeers of Muslim men, women and children occupying Gaza while upbeat music played, they had mixed up the bodies, locked the boxes and then attached keys that did not work. After inspecting the coffins for explosives, Israel had covered them with its blue and white flag and prayed over them.
Islam is an honor-shame culture and to humiliate the bodies of the children of your enemies is to show the strength of Allah and jeering the bodies of murdered children shows the glory of Islam.
The celebration and mocking of the bodies of murdered children was not the work of some fringe group. Hamas took care to have every Islamic terrorist organization taking part in claiming victory, including the PLO’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades representing the ‘Palestinian Authority’ and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Omar al-Qassim Brigades) popular on college campuses, as well as the Al-Ansar Brigades which has links to Al Qaeda.
There is no ‘Palestinian’ group that was not there to take its share of credit for the dead children…”
George Soros Network Organizes Global Anti-Israel Campaings
George Soros’ Son to Marry Muslim Brotherhood scion Huma Abedin
Readers can draw their own conclusions…
You know from the documentary at the top about the global reach of the MB. It is vast, it has been infiltrated into all western governments and cultural institutions, and it is quietly calling the shots for every Muslim organization in the West in behalf of a 7th century pedophile and mass murderer, and it is still a grave danger to the west. Most importantly, it is evil to the core.
You heard their own voices and had seen the organizational charts. You will hear their voices again in the next video. And what voices they are!
You’re a liberal, progressive, a Green, socialist, communists, don’t fret. Your heads will be first on the chopping block along with Michael Moore’s.
Readers now understand that HAMAS, al Qaeda, ISIS, Islamic Jihad and even the Palestinian Authority (HAMAS in suits) and their associates are MB franchises, not because I say so, but because they do.
To understand Israel is much easier:
What these disparate Islamist groups following the very same fascist ideology from a 7th century madman have in common is this: the aim to conquer the world for the madman pedophile and woman-and-child abuser’s delusional fantasies. And to murder anyone who stands in his way.
The Muslim Brotherhood's Global Threat - FDD
As for the current crisis in GAZA, you will understand from where HAMAS and Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood fronts operating in Gaza and Sinai are going, next, in their own words! Allah help Egypt’s current regime amassing its military in Sinai if they think otherwise.
However, Israel’s God will help Israel first.
Just don’t tell us we never warned you.
© Andrew G. Benjamin is in finance, real estate and equities, a former advisor to New York City mayor‘s office (Subcommittee on Taxation, Finance and the Budget). Benjamin wrote extensively about politics, transnational and domestic, intelligence and military affairs, security and strategy, economic issues, Mideast, terrorism, technology and high end audio.